Special Character Typer/Generator
If you see squares instead of characters/symbols – you'll have to change the encoding for your browser or download the necessary Windows®/Mac® installations for displaying special characters and symbols (otherwise, you'll be prompted to install them automatically). Additionally, here's explanation of some of the symbols:
- ± : Plus-minus sign, indicates the presence of both positive and negative values.
- + : Addition, denotes the operation of adding two or more numbers.
- - : Subtraction or negative sign, denotes the operation of subtracting one number from another or indicating a negative value.
- ÷ : Division, denotes the operation of dividing one number by another.
- × : Multiplication, denotes the operation of multiplying two numbers.
- • : Dot operator, often used to indicate multiplication, especially in scalar product.
- ½ : One-half, represents the fraction one over two.
- ¼ : One quarter, represents the fraction one over four.
- ¾ : Three quarters, represents the fraction three over four.
- ¹ : Superscript one, denotes an exponent of one, often used to indicate a base number to the power of one.
- ² : Superscript two, denotes an exponent of two, often used to indicate squaring of a number.
- ³ : Superscript three, denotes an exponent of three, often used to indicate cubing of a number.
- ∑ : Summation, denotes the sum of a sequence of numbers.
- ∞ : Infinity, represents an unbounded quantity that is larger than any real number.
- √ : Square root, denotes the principal square root of a number.
- ∫ : Integral, represents the integral of a function.
- ≈ : Approximately equal to, indicates that two values are close in value but not exactly equal.
- ≠ : Not equal to, indicates that two values are not equal.
- ≤ : Less than or equal to, indicates that a value is less than or equal to another.
- ≥ : Greater than or equal to, indicates that a value is greater than or equal to another.
- % : Percent, represents a fraction of 100.
- ^ : Caret, often used to denote exponentiation in programming and digital contexts.
- = : Equal to, indicates that two values are equal.
- < : Less than, indicates that a value is smaller than another.
- > : Greater than, indicates that a value is larger than another.
- / : Division or fraction bar, used to denote division or fractions.
- ` : Backtick, not typically used in standard mathematical notation.
- | : Absolute value or determinant in certain contexts, also used to denote such operations.